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Saturday, May 30, 2009
juz come back from east coast there.today morning wake up le check time almost late liao chiong to bath then go lot with junhao.wait for dave,ressell n susan they all to come.wtf all duno how to go down to eastcoast x.x.in the end go ask tat bloody hell mrt de ren.tell us go boon lay there take bus ==
reach boon lay le tat mrt uncle say no bus can go boon lay == wth the uncle lied to us sia bloody hell waste my time.ten wan go causeway de bt they decide to cab down to east coast.reach le i g rent bike ten all dun wan rent == pai seh me
ten ride awhile jiu go to the chalet there to rest awhile.7+ all go beach there take see nightview :D then take a few photo jiu when back to the chalet change clothes n eat.8+ go back bt that bus go 12 stop ten go intechange == ten cab to bedok there mrt back blablabla ten reach home le nothing to post le only the photo of the day left xD

8:22 AM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
super long bo update le :D.getting more n more lazy ==.today was not too gd for me......morning spotcheck tat om act cute sia cut my hair somemore cut until so ugly.ten lesson lesson lesson.kena chase home by cher == kidding nia so serious for wat.in the end bo me home cos i say i be good boy from now on sia XD ten last lesson happy sia bt cher so late ten let us go == after tat go ply basketball which darren them all then jiu go home le nothing le stop here ba nothing much to continue le :D

7:24 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
today no go sch again cos of some reason.wakeup a 10+ on com saw junhao online :D gt ren pei wo ply.ply com until afternoon 4+ ten go to sunshine thr ply basketball to 6+ ba.ten go ply table tennis awhile jiu leave le.about 8 reach home.ply game until now.lala dun wan continue le go slp better if not overslp again x.x

7:31 AM

Thursday, May 14, 2009
morning wake up le ten go mit joyce at void deck.lol her eyes 1 big 1 small de XD like her eye poping out.after tat i go mac eat.joyce read her book then we chit chat a while ten go to sch for tat stupid lifeskill progamma so boring.the instrutor talk until 10.30 == other class 10 jiu can go le.after tat go home change clothes liao go play basketball with ressell n edwin them.ply until 4+ go junhao house ply cheat wth :D.then go home use com le.end here kang waiting for me :D

my mother arr u think u very cute arr u are juz someone who is nameless dun dare to put yr name.stupid + lame for u :D

5:45 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
today quite tiring sia D: yesterday 3am then slp morning my parent go wake me up 6+.cont to slp until 10 wake up prepear go lot to take my spec.wth the spec $153 sia so exp.walk to junhao house to mit him go lan.saw jaynice n that stupid junhao haven even bath ==.wait him bath finish sia.ten we go find ian n darren bus to timah lan.go ply 2hr com nia so fast.wan cont de bt junhao say go ply pool.ten go we la.ply like 2 hr sibeh high sia in the end the winner is junhao n jaynice.then bus back to my house there.pei junhao walk home ten walk back home.

5:42 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009
today whole say is seriouly BORED!!!in the morning late wake up for basketball n really sorry pai sen ressell junhao n eric.ten whole day ply psp cos dun feel le using com.nothing more to post le ==.end here ba

5:22 AM

Thursday, May 7, 2009
super long no post le cos the mye.anyway tmr last exam :D LAST LE then holiday liao.today late wake up miss the bb then go junhao house mit edwin n eric then go sch for chem test.the test super easy sia do like 35min can rest le.after tat go bb until 1+ ten go lot with junhao n his fren forget wat name liao.ten go home do art bt not enough paper ==...afternoon eric me n her go bb until 6+ ten sent her home.ten try to draw for art bt duno draw wat...nvm tmr art exam ten do

7:03 AM

WeiXiang, Sim :D

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
♥ ASF.
Catherine, Dave, Dingfeng, Joyce, Kimberley, Wei liang.

Sheree Ah Jie
Susan Jie
kailin friend
Likang friend
Eulo friend
Kiah sheng friend
Jingyi friend
helmy friend
ridzuan friend
celop friend
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Mrs Smurfy